Glass Washing and Sterilization Services

University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario
What the facility does

Glass washing, autoclaving and sterilization services.

Areas of expertise

The UHN Sterilization Services facilities provide the research community with an array of essential services. The Glass Washing and Sterilization team prides itself on providing the research community at UHN with the highest level of service.  Wet lab environments are provided with highly efficient and reliable services while maintaining a strong focus on customer service.

The facilities serve more than 200 labs from hospitals, educational institutes and research facilities across the Greater Toronto Area. More than 1 million pieces of labware are processed every year in these state-of-the-art facilities. Facilities are equipped to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and accommodate specialized processing needs.

Cost-effective operations help the research community save on space, utilities, infrastructure and insurance costs, and divert their resources to focus on research.

Research services

Certified and well-trained staff provides an array of essential services; laboratory glassware washing, glassware purchasing, liquid and dry autoclaving, daily stocking of clean glassware supply, and lab coat supply management, consultation and facility management services.

Sectors of application
  • Agriculture, animal science and food
  • Chemical industries
  • Fisheries and aquaculture
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
Specialized lab Equipment Function
Glassware & Sterilization Facility State-of-the-art laboratory glassware washers Cleans glassware and other laboratory equipment.
  Washers/disinfectors Disinfects glassware and labware.
  Autoclaves Sterilizes glassware and other items using high exposure times and temperatures.