Nanomaterials for Energy

University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
What the facility does

Synthesis and characterization of new materials for energy applications

Areas of expertise

The Nanomaterials for Energy lab consists of a set of tools for interdisciplinary research into novel materials for energy conversion and energy-efficient lighting. This includes synthetic laboratories for production of solution-processable materials and equipment for in-depth characterization of materials and devices. Examples of materials developed in the lab include: colloidal quantum dots, nanocrystals, perovskites, and organic semiconductors. Devices fabricated using these materials include: solar cells, light emitting devices, lasers, and sensors.

Research services

Thin film deposition, atomic layer deposition, atomic force microscopy, optoelectronic characterization

Sectors of application
  • Chemical industries
  • Clean technology
  • Energy
  • Environmental technologies and related services
  • Manufacturing and processing
Name of equipment in useDescription of function
Quantum Dot Photovoltaics LabSynthetic space including inert atmosphere glove boxes, fume hoods, and wet benches
MicroFab jetlab® 4xl Inkjet PrinterLarge area (21x26cm), single orifice inkjet printer. Prints arbitrary patterns with 20 um repeatability.
PICOSUN™ R-200 Advanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) SystemPlasma-enhanced ALD for ultra-thin conformal coatings of oxides, sulfides, and metals. Glove box-integrated.
Asylum Research Cypher™ Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)Topographic imaging. Vertical/lateral features up to 2/30 um. Nanomechanics force indentation. STM, KPFM, CAFM.
Newport (Oriel) QUANTX-300Photovoltaic quantum efficiency (EQE, IQE) measurement system. 325-1800 nm wavelength range. Voltage bias of +/-10V applicable.
Ultrafast transient absorption setupAnalyzing excited state dynamics. Probe 360 – 1630 nm. Pump 310 – 5000 nm. Time resolution ~350 fs. Time window 8 ns.
Time-correlated single photon counterPLQY and lifetime measurements. Excitation by lamp or diode lasers. Detector range 300–2200 nm. Time resolution ~150 ps.


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