Immunophenotyping Platform of the Research Institute of the MUHC

McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, Québec
What the facility does

Creates new research opportunities through advances in cell sorting and analytical flow cytometry

Areas of expertise

The Immunophenotyping Platform offers a variety of flow cytometry services. These services include cell sorting, cell analysis, data analysis, automated cell separation and imaging flow cytometry, as well as consultation, user education and training. The platform provides access to the newest technologies and applications in the field. The facility is uniquely equipped, with two five-laser cell sorters that are self-enclosed in biosafety cabinets, two two-laser analyzers and an ImageStream with 12 high-resolution imaging channels, among other instruments, some of which are housed within the Containment Level 3 area.

Research services

Flow cytometry, including cell sorting, imaging flow cytometry, automated cell separation, flow cytometry in the Containment Level 3 (CLC) facility, data analysis, consultation, experimental design and training.

Sectors of application
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
Specialized labEquipmentFunction
ImmunophenotypingBD LSRFortessa™ (5 lasers, 20 parameters)Cell analyzer providing power, performance, consistency and flexibility.
 BD LSRFortessa™ X-20 (5 lasers, 20 parameters)Cell analyzer providing power, performance, consistency and flexibility.
 BD FACSCanto ™ II (3 lasers, 10 parameters)Benchtop analyzer that delivers proven performance, accuracy, and high-quality results.
 BD FACSAria™ Fusion (5 lasers, 18 parameters)High-speed sorter with a fixed-alignment cuvette flow cell in a biosafety cabinet. Provides multicolour analysis.
 Amnis ImageStream®X  Mark II Flow CytometerSpeed, sensitivity and phenotyping abilities of cytometry combined with imagery and functional insights of microscopy.
 Miltenyi Biotec autoMACS®  Pro SeparatorAutomated cell separation system uniquely designed to process multiple samples in a fully controlled system.
 BD Accuri™ C6  (2 lasers, 4 colours)Compact cytometer making flow cytometry more accessible. Easy workflows for popular applications.
 BD FACSAria™ Fusion (3 lasers, 10 colours)High-speed sorter with a fixed-alignment cuvette flow cell in a biosafety cabinet. Provides multicolour analysis.
 Beckman Coulter CytoFLEXProvides powerful sensitivity and nanoparticle resolution for the simple to the most challenging applications.
  • McGill University
  • EnGene Inc.