OICR Genomics

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, Ontario
What the facility does

Accredited laboratory offering clinical and research genomics services, specializing in whole genome and transcriptome sequencing.

Areas of expertise

The OICR Genomics laboratory provides sequencing services to support basic, translational, and clinical oncogenomics projects with academic and industry partners. We offer CAP/ACD-accredited, CLIA-certified, ISO 15189-compliant services for clinical reporting and research needs. For over 10 years, our teams have supported research across Canada and around the world by solving genomics and analysis problems for the advancement of cancer treatment and management.

Our mission is to enable complete genomic knowledge that guides the clinical management of cancer patients. To this end, we:

  • Evaluate and provide access to emerging genome technologies
  • Industrialize research-grade protocols for high-throughput use
  • Implement clinical-grade assays for use in genome-guided clinical research trials

We offer a range of accredited clinical assays with geneticist-approved clinical reports, as well as research use only (RUO) assays. We also provide extraction services via Tissue Portal.

Research services

Clinical assays (clinical report)

  • Whole genome and transcriptome sequencing (WGTS)
  • Whole genome sequencing (WGS)
  • Plasma whole genome sequencing
  • Targeted sequencing – REVOLVE Panel


Research use only (RUO) assays

  • Whole genome and transcriptome sequencing (WGTS)
  • Whole genome sequencing (WGS)
  • Plasma whole genome sequencing
  • Shallow whole genome sequencing (sWGS)
  • Whole transcriptome sequencing
  • Whole exome sequencing
  • Enzymatic methyl sequencing (EM-seq)
  • Cell-free methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (cfMeDIP-seq)
  • Single molecule molecular inversion probes (smMIP)
Sectors of application
  • Education
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
Illumina NovaSeq 6000 SystemDNA sequencer.
Illumina NovaSeq X Plus Systems (2)DNA sequencer.
Illumina NextSeq 2000 Sequencing SystemDNA sequencer.
Illumina MiSeq Systems (3)DNA sequencer.
Hamilton STAR Liquid HandlerUsed to increase library preparation capacity.
PerkinElmer Sciclone G3 Liquid Handling WorkstationUsed to increase library preparation capacity.
Agilent Fragment AnalyzerAutomated parallel capillary electrophoresis to provide reliable quality control for nucleic acids.
Agilent 4200 TapeStation Systems (2)High-throughput automated electrophoresis platform for nucleic acid sample quality control.
  • University Health Network
  • University of Toronto
  • Harvard University
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Ottawa
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Western Ontario (Western University)
  • McMaster University
  • Queen’s University
  • Toronto Metropolitan University
  • The Ottawa Hospital
Advancing cancer research with multiomics.https://youtu.be/l8jgnWeLkG0?feature=shared
Transforming oncology with genomics.https://youtu.be/DHKj8cgxMwc?feature=shared
Understanding cancer biology with methylation microarrays.https://youtu.be/je4v3Ar--bc?feature=shared
Clinical research with OICR Genomics - accreditation and whole genomes.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cydwR7wyTg