Biomaterials and Cartilage Laboratory (LBC)

Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Québec
What the facility does

Use of biomaterials and nanoparticles for regenerative medicine and gene delivery

Areas of expertise

The laboratory's research activities focus primarily on the development of chitosan-based biomaterials and nanoparticles for regenerative medicine and gene therapy applications. The lab’s strength lies in the diversity and complementary nature of its cutting-edge infrastructure and its highly qualified personnel’s expertise and know-how. This combination enables in-depth physicochemical understanding  of biomaterials and nanoparticles and their biological activity. The lab’s facilities and equipment include a histology lab, a molecular biology lab, a confocal microscopy room, an environmental scanning electron microscope, a flow cytometer and steric exclusion chromatography devices. Tangibly, the lab’s activities cover the following areas :

  • Production, characterization and modification of medical-grade chitosan;
  • Development of theoretical tools to predict the behaviour of chitosan in solution;
  • Preparation and characterization of nanoparticles for nucleic acid delivery;
  • Development of hydrogels for tissular repair;
  • Nanostructure visualization by environmental scanning electron microscope;
  • In-depth study of the effects of nanoparticles in vitro, by means of advanced cellular biology, molecular biology and confocal microscopy techniques;
  • Full histological preparation and detailed analysis of animal study tissues;
  • Mechanical characterization of biomaterials and biological tissues.
  • The lab has an internal quality assurance service applicable to good fabrication lab practices. Research work has led to the commercialization of a product used to repair joint cartilage (BST-CarGel®, Piramal Healthcare Canada).
Research services

Preparation and analysis of chitosan-based polymers, cell culture, cellular and molecular biology, flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, histology, biomechanical tests.

Sectors of application
  • Healthcare and social services
  • Life sciences, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment
Specialized LabEquipment
BiomaterialsPlanetary mono mill (Fritsch Pulverisette 6)
 Free dry system (Labconco FreeZone 2.5L)
 Shelf freeze dryer (Mill Rock)
 High-capacity concentrator (Savant SpeedVac SC110)



Rotary evaporator with integrated heating bath (Ika RV10 Digital)
 Tangential flow filtration system (Pall Minimate TFF)
 Monochromator-based microplate reader (Tecan Infinite M200)
 Preparative HPLC system (Shimadzu)
 Analytical HPLC system (Shimadzu Prominence) combined with SLS detectors (Wyatt)
 Nanoparticle analyser (NanoSight NS500)
Cellular and molecular biologySeven laminar flow cabinets for cell culture
 Inverted epifluorescence microscope (Zeiss Axiovert S100 TV)
 Flow cytometer (Cytomation MoFlo)
 Multimode microplate reader (Tecan Infinite F500)
 Quantitative PCR devices (Rotor-Gene 6000, Applied Biosystems 7900HT)
 DNA, RNA and protein analyser (Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer)
 Multiplex array system (Biorad Bio-Plex 200)
Confocal microscopyConfocal microscope (Zeiss LSM 510) with a multiphoton laser (Coherent MIRA 900)
 Inverted confocal scanning microscope (Olympus Fluoview FV1000) with a Yokogawa disc (Quorum)
HistologyLow-speed, diamond-blade saw (Isomet Low Speed Saw)
 Cryosection system (Leica CM3050 S)
 Paraffin microtome (Leica RM 2155)
 MMA plastic microtome (Leica SM2500)
 Automatic histological stainer (Shandon Varistain 24-4K)
 Automatic immunohistological stainer (Labvision 360)
 Stereo dissecting microscope (Zeiss Stemi 2000-C)
 Histology microscopes (Zeiss Axiolab and Axiostar)
 Digital slide scanner (Hamamatsu Nanozoomer RS)
BiomechanicsMechanical testing system for soft tissues (Biomomentum Mach-1)
 Thromboelastograph systems (Haemonetics TEG 5000)


  • Biomomentum Inc.
  • Advanomics Corporation
  • Garmen Laboratories
  • OrthoregeneX
  • Kane Biotech