Conducts research in basic and applied materials science and engineering
The Manitoba Institute for Materials (MIM) facilitates and enhances basic and applied materials science at the University of Manitoba and in the Prairie region. MIM develops interdisciplinary collaborations with academic and industrial materials researchers who are pursuing fundamental and applied research of complex materials. We are currently studying the following research streams: complex natural systems; composite material systems; crystalline materials and nanostructures; high performance computing; microelectromechanical systems; photonic and phononic interactions with materials; soft and disordered materials; liquid and solid crystals; surfaces, interfaces, and ultra-thin films. We have a wide array of materials fabrication and characterization instrumentation available for use. Additionally, we offer our collaborators the option of sending samples to be analyzed, or of being trained to run their own analysis with our instruments.
Spectroscopy, Imaging, Elemental analysis, Chemical identification, Bulk properties, Fabrication, Thin film and nanoparticle materials characterization
- Aerospace and satellites
- Agriculture, animal science and food
- Automotive
- Chemical industries
- Clean technology
- Construction (including building, civil engineering, specialty trades)
- Defence and security industries
- Education
- Energy
- Forestry and forest-based industries
- Information and communication technologies and media
- Manufacturing and processing
- Mining, minerals and metals
- Transportation
- Utilities
Specialized labs and equipment
Specialized lab | Equipment | Function |
Materials Characterization and Spectroscopy Facility | Kratos Axis Ultra X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (Al or Mg/Al source, 2 e- energy analyzers and delay-line detector) | Ar ion gun affords depth-profiling capabilities. A charge-neutralizing filament allows analysis of insulating samples. |
Rigaku S-Max 3000 Small/Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (temperature controlled stages, 2 sample chambers, image plates) | Structural analysis (nm scale) by X-ray scattering of polymers, liquid crystals, nanoparticles, proteins and others. | |
FEI Nova Nano 450 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG SEM) | Ultra-high resolution FEG SEM with best-in-class imaging (SE, BSE) and analysis (EDS, WDS, EBSD) for both conducting and insulating samples | |
FEI Quanta 650 Field Emission Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG ESEM) | FEG ESEM for dynamic in-situ imaging and analysis of non-conductive and hydrated samples in their natural state from -165°C to 1500°C | |
FEI Talos F200A Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope / TEM (200 kV FEG S/TEM) | FEG S/TEM combining outstanding high-resolution imaging and chemical characterization in multiple dimensions with fast navigation | |
Materials Electron Microscopy Facility | JEOL JAMP-9500F Auger Electron Spectrometer | Field Emission Auger microprobe for surface analysis with attachment for depth profiling and charge neutralization. |
University of Manitoba Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Laboratory | Cameca IMS 7f Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer | Analysis of stable isotopes. Capabilities include trace element analysis, depth profiling, and ion imaging. |
Dynamic Spintronics Group | Cryogenic probe station and NMR system (4.2 – 400 K) | For magnetic, electrical, microwave characterization. NMR console/optical cryostat to probe atomic magnetism dynamics. |
Spin dynamics characterization and microwave imaging | Electrical detection technique to characterize spin dynamics. Microwave imaging for medical/non-destructive testing. | |
Nano-Systems Fabrication Laboratory (NSFL) | Dual Source Thermal Evaporator, RF&DC MRC 8776 and SemiCore/KJL Co-Sputter System, PETS PECVD, IKO Electroplating System | Deposition |
Oxford Picosecond Laser, XeF2 Vapour-Phase Si Etcher, Trion and PETS Plasma Etchers, 3 Wet Decks and 2 Fumehoods | Etching | |
6" ABM 2-sided Mask Aligner, 1100C Lindberg Blue Furnaces, Vaccum Bonder, UV/O3 Cleaner, Alpha Step 500, NanoSpec | Other NanoTools | |
JAW Ellipsometer, DI D3100 and Multimode, White Light Photomap Interferometer, Toho Thin Film Stress Measurement System | Measurement | |
Diamond Touch Wafer Saw, Bueler ISOMET 1000 Diamond Saw, Gatan UltraSonic Drill, K&S Wire Bonder | Cutting & Bonding | |
Prairie Regional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility | NMR 300 (l), 400 (s), 500 (l/s), 600 (l/s) MHz | |
Advanced Radio Frequency Systems Laboratory | Agilent 67 GHz Signal Synthesizers, 110 GHz Spectrum Analyzer, 75 and 110 GHz Source Modules, Noise Sources to W-Band | |
Anritsu 110 GHz Vector Network Analyser, Cascade Semi-Automatic Probe Station, Anritsu mm-Wave Power Meter | ||
Manitoba Chemical Analysis Laboratory (MCAL) | Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrophotometer and Mass Spectrometer | Elemental analysis and identification and quantitation of known and unknown compounds |
LA-ICP-MS | Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spec-New Wave UP213 and Quantronix Integra-C ThermoFinnigan Element2 | A focused laser beam permits spatial characterization of heterogeneity in solids, with typically micron resolution. |
Microbeam Laboratory | Electron Microprobe (Model: Cameca SX100) | Micron- scale quantitative chemical analysis of solids |
Private and public sector research partners
- Canadian Pacific Railway
- Indutec
- National Research Council Canada
- Composites Innovation Centre (CIC)
Additional information
Title | URL |
Nano-Systems Fabrication Laboratory (NSFL) | |
Advanced Radio Frequency Systems Lab (ARFSL) | |
Manitoba Chemical Analysis Laboratory (MCAL) | |